Friday, July 22, 2011

Not uplifting, but interesting

After watching CNN and all the other news networks ramble on about the imminent collapse of our economy, I decided to watch HBO for a while where I saw "Too Big To Fail" and "Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps" ... back to back. Neither will ever win any awards, but they really aren't awful movies. If your interested to see what could happen to our economy in a few weeks, you should watch it.  Pretty interesting on how we got where we are and what it is going to take to get us out of our current situation. Needless to say, what the ass hats in DC are proposing isn't going to help us very much.  

So based on that, I devised a few scenarios since the world might come to an end on August 2nd:  If I were a Democrat, I would buy some land in the mountains on a lake, build a bunker that's solar / battery powered, buy gold, stock pile the necessities (water, food, beer, food, ammo, weapons, Blu-Rays, PS3 games, bourbon), blame Bush and watch the world collapse. If I were a Republican, I'd be difficult, sit at home, read the WSJ, watch Fox News and complain that nothing happened.

Since I straddle the fence, I'm going to sit at home, drink a bourbon, load some assault rifles, watch some Blu-Rays on my FlatTV, play some NCAA '12 on my other TV and pretty much become resigned to the fact that the American dream is dead, China owns us and I'll never be rich.  Shit ... that just ruined the weekend. Oh well ...

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