Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I think its Wednesday ... I have no idea

Happy Wednesday, I think. Actually, I'm really not sure.  There have a been a few fun factors leading to what are calling the "best mood" I've been in since my last concussion in 2005.  Basically, I had another evening with no power, the city has a pollen count that is reaching radiation levels and my job is churning out meetings, presentations and paper work at a level that would probably kill a French government worker (I can comfortably say this because I know a few). 

All of this translates to basically living with out sleep and a state of deliriousness. Now I don't have kids and don't want them right now so anyone that says, just wait til you have kids ... please stop reading now because by the fact that you have kids, you have given up the right to sleep for years.

So here's what I've learned on no sleep, allergy medication and too many hours behind a desk:
  • Everything tastes the same -- whether its broccoli, steak or some empandas from the Mexican guy living on the corner, it all tastes the same 
  • Headaches are no longer called headaches, they are called normal ... acknowledged and forgotten 
  • Grumpiness is masked by passive aggressiveness and contempt for all things that get sleep and are happy -- this includes animals, trees, stuffed animals, people in their 20's who are having fun, the wind, the moon and homeless people
  • You watch sports on ESPN and consider it exercise because it's the closest thing you are going to get to exercise.
  • You quote movies from the 90's that your millennial co-workers don't know or understand b/c they were 5.
  • Co-workers are more like family members because you see them constantly and don't actually know the names of your friends / family any more.  They become your therapist and you hope that they won't remember all the things you shared due to the haze of allergy drugs.
  • Stress and anxiety become your new relationships -- and you cheat on one with the other ... and then stress about it.
  • When you do sleep, you have nightmares (thanks to the medication) and don't count sheep, but rather dream of shooting the sheep as they leap over the fence. 
So if none of this makes any sense, that's because I haven't had any sleep, taking some allergy medication that I might start using recreationally on the weekends and  have generally lost my sanity. 

Happy Tuesday, Wednesday ... whichever ... regardless ... Harry Doyle everyone

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