Friday, April 8, 2011


Normally, I would think a government shutdown would be awesome b/c that would mean we wouldn't have to hear from all the ass bags in Washington.  Unfortunately, this is not really the case and it looks like the shutdown will occur. Why, because our politicians would rather play politics than sign a budget bill. I know conservatives and liberals alike will say that's not the case and the "planned parenthood" and "PBS" portions are really important.  Personally, I'd worry more about not paying the 1st Marines, 101st Airborne or the 94th Fighter Squadron because I have a theory in life (as do most dictators and Ghaddafi), pay your military -- they will keep you alive.

The really nifty part, if the government is shutdown, many people be out of work and soldiers / military will not get paid EXCEPT the president, cabinet and members of congress -- they will all continue to get paid. So let me get this straight, the people who got us into this mess, will continue to get paid while others will go with out pay because of squabbles over Planned Parenthood and PBS? Yeah, just spend the money. Our government wastes so much money anyways what does it really matter. 

You can't not talk about this issue and bring up our anointed leader. His leadership is about as sound as the Red Sox starting rotation and bullpen (0-6 to date). Last night he spent, wait for it ... wait for it ... 55 minutes meeting with everyone to get a deal signed. 55 whole minutes. That's pretty much an episode of Mad Men, Jersey Shore or the West Wing. He might have been better served watching an episode of West Wing for some tips on what to do next. I'm pretty sure Pauly D might have some advice on what to do. That's what we need ... Pauly D for president ... denim, denim, denim ....

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