Monday, September 24, 2012

No matter where I go ...

... POTUS follows me. For instance, I was in Milwaukee this weekend for work and of course, he was there messing up traffic and putting on some rally.  Speaking of which, there were literally 100K people in line to see him.  It was crazy ...

I fly to New York for a meeting and guess who's here, POTUS filming a spot for the View (yeah, I'm judging) and then speaking at the UN tomorrow (which is right down the street for me).  Oh and even better, Balky (president of Iran) is here as well. He's right across the street from my hotel at the Waldorf Astoria filming a reunion of Perfect Strangers ... or getting ready for another fiery speech at the UN tomorrow.  I thought the bell guy was lying but then I noticed a number of snipers on the roof tops and was pretty sure Balky had to be there.

Finally, yay, flying back to Atlanta tonight.  While it hasn't been a long trip, its been very busy and hectic. Here's to hoping for three quiet nights at home with out the POTUS, secret service, leaders of the Axis of evil or ridiculous traffic. I'm off to Wichita this weekend (I know for a fact that POTUS won't be there) and then Chicago. Yeah, I bet I seem him there again ... UGH.

You know, I'm starting to think he's following me on purpose.  Some of my readers want me to get into politics so maybe this is the chance? Then again, I'm not sure I want to be part of his cabinet. I'd have to sit in meetings with Reggie Love and I can't do that.  Just Google Reggie Love, Duke Basketball, Sharpie, Penis and UNC Fraternity Party.  And on that note, I'm off to another day of planes, trains and automobiles.

Air Force One in Milwaukee and a few C-17 and AC-130s

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