Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A reflection on the DNC

Last night, and mainly because the Braves got murdered, On Demand was crap and there's nothing on TV, I watched the speeches at the DNC.  I have to admit, their speech writers did a much better job of coordinating their speeches so each speaker sounded like they were speaking the same thing -- and less about their own personal agenda (saving that speech for Thursday).

I also think its cute that the NFL moved its game up to Wednesday so everyone can watch the president speak on Thursday in a Hollywood like Fan Fare that would make Michael Bay proud.  Unfortunately, there is a college football game on so there is a very good chance I will see none of the speech.

But hats off to the Dems for throwing together a well synced day. I will certainly be glued to the TV tomorrow night to see my favorite politician, Smiling Joe Biden, speak away. To say they are going to have that guy on a short leash would be the understatement of the year. Course, Bill is speaking tonight and I have to admit, I love listening to Bill and watching all the women swoon over him. It's actually pretty amazing and that thing he does with this hand when he speaks, captivates everyone and pretty much ensures me that he's a wizard or warlock.  I think Rasputin was the last person to have that much control over others.  

But what I really love about the political season, all the comments people make on Facebook about "their" political views. There's no need to watch any political pundits, just go read your Facebook feed where you can learn political theory from your friend whom most recently you watched do an inverted keg stand while doing a bong hit.

There are only a few people who I pay attention to on Facebook because they are either 1. well education, 2. have a degree in political science, law, history, 3. are a politician, lawyer, campaign manager, etc.  I do not pay attention to all the morons (yes, many of you are my close friends but in this case you are acting like a moron) who state things like: "If Romney wins, there will be a civil war" ... or ... "We survived Bush, You'll survive Obama" ... or ... "Romney should release his taxes  - he's a fascist!" ... or ... "Michelle Obama for president!" - yeah, these are all very minor examples of the posts that people should refrain from posting.  Unless you are qualified to talk policy, then you should stick to posting pictures of your kid and wedding.  Honestly, I'd rather read that someone just banged a hooker against a garbage can than their own political beliefs.

And lastly ... believe it or not, I'm over all this political crap. Yes, I studied it so I will pay attention to it but as I shared with my father over the weekend, all of this must come to an end soon. And I'm not going on some horrible "let's all be friends" / "hug it out" approach, just end the far right / far left crap. It's awful.  Learn to compromise. And most importantly, as soon as we realize all of these "leaders" are awful, selfish and don't really care about our well being, then things will be better. The way I see it, none of the candidates are true team leaders and most politicians lack inspiration.

So there it is ... what's the take away? College Football is here ... and my birthday is coming up. Plus, the new Red Dawn will be out in a couple of months! Woo Hoo!

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