Tuesday, May 10, 2011

MONETARY CRIMES DIVISION .. has money for you!

Good news everyone. I just received an email from the FBI that states I am entitled to some money from my days in the UK when I didn't claim a prize. Woo Hoo! How exciting! All I have to do is email FBI director Robert Mueller, that's right - Director Mueller is handling this issue personally, at his gmail or an email address in Poland. You know, I had no idea that Director Mueller recieved all of his emails through gmail or a Polish server.  Who would have thought that there servers would be safer than military or federal government? And the fact that I'm getting personal attention from a man who's less accessible than Obama, AMAZEBALLS!  I sure hope I get lots of money!

And now the reality check ... this email is about as awesome as my Nigerian friend and my dead relative in Madagascar a few months back.  I'm actually disappointed that they didn't put the amount or more detail as to what I won.

Unfortunately, I didn't open the attachment because I'm pretty sure that included a virus that would eat my hard drive.  At least these scam artists could have been a bit more creative with their email addresses and main point of contact. I realize there are some real idiots in the world, but who would email the director of the FBI, at a gmail account or to an address in Poland? I know Poland is a member of NATO, but pretty sure we don't register our government information through Polish servers.

Nice try banana heads. You can't fool me, unless you are Nigerian, refer to me as Dr. and have found money from a dead relative that I can collect if I send you $10,000 in legal fees. I mean, I've already done that six times and awaiting my fortune! 

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