Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Update from 35,000 feet ... and no, it's not about the idiots in DC

Once upon a time, Delta loved to fly ... and it shows. Well, out with the old and in with their new slogan because this crew doesn't love to fly.  Here are some fun things about my flight to the left coast:  TVs are broken, all movies are $9.99 (ten dollars to watch Fast Five -- really?), there is a menu but they didn't stock any sandwiches (5:30 hour flight), someone evacuated their colon in the seat next to me, condensation dripping down the walls on to the seat is normal and pretty sure the captain just addressed all of us in Finnish.  Yay!

Oh well, at least the destination will be nice. Jed is taking his skills to San Diego for a week and hanging out at the 2011 BlogHer conference.  Needless to say, Jed is there for the work but will be curious what it 4,000 female bloggers think.  Me thinks I'm going to need another vacation soon.

Much much more to come because rumor has it, San Diego has the ocean, polar bears, good food, a baseball team and a few other fun things that I'm not aware of at this moment. 

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