- Highly, highly suggest that you see Transformers 1 and kinda watch Transformers 2 before seeing this ... I felt bad for Retired Sorority Girl because she had no idea what was going on. Pretty sure she hated it but then again, I hated dueling pianos so fair trade.
- Michael Bay delivers with his unique cinematography that I absolutely love. Great colors, hot women, American flags, tanks, military and a couple of key stars juxtaposed with slow motion shots, panning and perfectly timed zoom shots. I love all of his movies and this one will certainly fit in the Top 5 on my Bay list.
- Lots of people have been bashing Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for not being Megan Fox and she's not, but ... she is a Victoria Secret Model with an English accent so I don't think people should complain.
- Optimus Prime has some new weapons that are pretty bad ass until he gets stuck in some cables ... that was just weird.
- They blow up Chicago -- and you can recognize it. They clearly shot the movie in Chicago and didn't rely on back lot sets because the streets, buildings, landmarks are all really visual and feels like you know the city they are destroying.
- Stunts were awesome -- I saw the base jumping stunt on YouTube a few weeks ago and it really comes off in the movie. Now I want to work in some special operations until where I base jump in a winged flight suit ... if I could only be so lucky.
- The fight scenes were fantastic and there were tons of them. If you haven't seen the first two movies, then you might be lost, but, iff you saw the first two movies, then the fight scenes will make perfect sense and the one liners will be funny.
- Lots of big names in the cast with some really entertaining roles. Never thought I'd see John Malcovich in a Transformers movie ... then again, he did do Con Air.
- As always, there were some amazing cars and gadgets through out - love the Ferrari 430 Transformer and the AMG Mercedes.
- He made fun of Obama a few times which I found highly entertaining
- Retired Sorority girl's takeaway -- how come the girl's outfit was so clean and white the whole movie? She was running around in broken buildings and didn't get dirty at all?
- McDreamy is in the movie and in perfect Bay form, he turns a cultural hearth throb in to a sniveling bad guy -- loved it. He could have made his death a bit more creative.
- The ending was good (fight was awesome) and I'm not sure they can do a sequel, plus I've heard this is the last one.
- I saw the movie in 3D / IMAX and while the production was good, it was not worth the $20+ dollars a ticket. I don't mean the movie, I mean 3D and IMAX at AMC Theaters / Atlantic Station. We had to get extra pairs of 3D glasses and the "IMAX screen" felt really small. Also confirmed that this will probably be the last time you will ever catch me anywhere near Atlantic Station.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Movie of the Summer ... Transformers 3
Yes, I know most of you will never see this movie and I will get mocked for loving it, but the movie was amazeballs. Granted, the plot wasn't the strongest in the world, but the fighting and the CGI was phenomenal. I felt like a kid again after seeing the movie and actually had dreams about Transformers. If you want to see a movie that won't make you and has hours (literally) of fighting and patriotic cinematography, go see Transformers 3. Some takeaways:
Monday, June 27, 2011
What a glorious Monday! Well, actually, it kinda sucks but I just got tickets to Transformers 3 on Wednesday night in 3D IMAX so I'm happy. I realize that I will be ostracized by my friends for wanting to see the movie, but I really don't care ... I love these type of movies!
Let's be honest ... the plot will suck, the acting will be lame, but the special effects will be awesome and its ... Transformers - one of my favorite toys as a kid. This also marks the first movie I will see in 3D IMAX. I'm considering taking the full day off to prepare for the "funness" ... that and if I don't get a day off soon, I might seriously consider chewing glass for fun.
They only person I really feel sorry for is the retired sorority girl because 1. she doesn't watch movies 2. never seen transformers 3. will be completely lost 4. I won't explain any of it til after so I hope she's reading and watching Transformers (it's USA) tonight to prevent any series of interrupting questions (actually no reason to see Transformers 2 because the racist robots ruined it).
Some new footage:
Let's be honest ... the plot will suck, the acting will be lame, but the special effects will be awesome and its ... Transformers - one of my favorite toys as a kid. This also marks the first movie I will see in 3D IMAX. I'm considering taking the full day off to prepare for the "funness" ... that and if I don't get a day off soon, I might seriously consider chewing glass for fun.
They only person I really feel sorry for is the retired sorority girl because 1. she doesn't watch movies 2. never seen transformers 3. will be completely lost 4. I won't explain any of it til after so I hope she's reading and watching Transformers (it's USA) tonight to prevent any series of interrupting questions (actually no reason to see Transformers 2 because the racist robots ruined it).
Some new footage:
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Copa oro ... FAIL
Team USA looked overmatched in pretty much every aspect of the final of the CONCAF Gold Cup last night. From the crowd, to the ceremonies to the actually performance on the pitch, Team USA lost. Here are a few comments / takeaways:
- Quote of the day from Tim Howard and I couldn't agree more: "CONCACF should be ashamed of themselves," Howard said. "I think it was a [expletive] disgrace that the entire postmatch ceremony was in Spanish. You can bet your ass that if we were in Mexico City, it wouldn't be all in English."
- There needs to be a "Copa Oro" for Basketball, Baseball and Football for our "neighbors" to the North and South. Now that would be real entertainment.
- Call it poor sportsmanship on my behalf (and I'm ok with that), but after the score went to 4-2, I would have put in some scrubs and told them to take out some knees.
- Game was in the Rose Bowl, but they might as well have played it in Aztec Stadium. Seeing that there is a large portion of Mexican nationals squatting in California, why don't they play home games for Team USA in Nebraska or Iowa?
- If your looking for some entertaining comments about the match, go on Twitter. There are some really good comments about our "neighbors to the South" and the crowd. I don't feel like repeating some of them here because I'd like to say somewhat PC.
- Dr. Noisewater brought up a good point: The Copa Oro or Gold Cup, is about as almost as important as the trophy from the Little League World Series. Almost ... but its not.
- The match was so important, not a single major network, or cable network, covered the match. Comcast / Xfinity didn't even cover the game in HD - we had to watch it in standard definition - which is just awful.
Oh well ... Team USA is still not very good but what else is new. They've never been very good and until we get some of our top athletes to play, we will never be very good.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I couldn't agree more ...
Great read from David Gergen on CNN where he points out that Obama should have listened to Petraeus. I mean, the guy is only the most successful United States military mind since Eisenhower or Bradley.
Sad that we are focusing on politics rather than accomplishing the military objective. Did we learn nothing from Vietnam?
Story link
Sad that we are focusing on politics rather than accomplishing the military objective. Did we learn nothing from Vietnam?
Story link
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
So ... does that mean your lowering taxes?
Sorry Captain Fry ... I've been MIA b/c of work this week. I'll be sure to be better about updates this week so you have something to read at work.
I just watched President Obama's speech about Afghanistan which was delivered well, but then again, I saw a homeless man singing Backstreet Boys this morning and I thought he delivered that well too ... here's what I learned / some takeaways:
I just watched President Obama's speech about Afghanistan which was delivered well, but then again, I saw a homeless man singing Backstreet Boys this morning and I thought he delivered that well too ... here's what I learned / some takeaways:
- POTUS went against General Patreaus' plan - which isn't really the best idea, and 33,000 troops are coming home by the summer of 2012.
- CNN reports that most of them are not combat troops -- what are the other 70,000 going to do for food? I bet they opened some Arby's in Kabul - I hear they are really popular in the mideast.
- We are going to negotiate with the Taliban for peace and they need to abide by the Afghan constitution -- wait, there is an Afghan constitution?
- Wolf Blitzer informed me (ok, the viewing audience) that the fighting season coincides with the harvest season for heroine and weed -- nice! They also showed a segment where the Afghan army was cooking with the plates from their kevlar vests and smoking hash -- sweet! Let's make sure we give them some advanced weaponry.
- My favorite VP, smilin Joe Biden, helped decide the troop withdrawal which is like asking me what we should do with the economy -- spend, baby, spend! SUVs for everyone!
- POTUS thanked Pakistan for helping us fight terrorism ... If I were the English, I'd be angry.
- There are 300,000 soldiers in the Afghanistan army -- I'm going to go out on a limb and say these 300,000 aren't combat ready. Oh and we are spending 500 billion dollars arming these guys with kevlar cooking dishes and uniforms to hide their weed.
- "It's now time to focus on rebuilding America" - I think this is a great idea but what does that mean lower taxes? I sure hope so ... Daddy needs a vacation and a new SUV pronto.
- Oh and he announced there is not a single American troop in Libya ... does the CIA count?
- Nancy Pelosi just announced she is against POTUS speech -- I didn't realize she was still relevant?
- Lindsay Graham gave the Republican response speech - Lindsay Graham talks about himself in the third person too much ... so much so the interview was uncomfortable to watch. Bob Dole would have been proud.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Go Get 'em Social Media
Looks like the citizens of Vancouver weren't so excited about the riots and are doing something about it ... and good for them.
Check out this blog / site ... whatever. Shows pics / videos of the rioters and then links them back to their social media channels. People are outing the rioters and posting their addresses, phone numbers, etc on the site. My favorite is the guy who was on the Under 18 Water Polo team who got caught trying to set a police car on fire ... pretty sure his career is over. And you can check out more here on Facebook.
Check out this blog / site ... whatever. Shows pics / videos of the rioters and then links them back to their social media channels. People are outing the rioters and posting their addresses, phone numbers, etc on the site. My favorite is the guy who was on the Under 18 Water Polo team who got caught trying to set a police car on fire ... pretty sure his career is over. And you can check out more here on Facebook.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Ha ha ha ... Canada
Oh you crazy Canadians -- you lose a hockey game and then go smash up the Vancouver mall. Aww ... I'd feel sorry for you, but, nah, no sympathy what so ever. Haven't you learned from the Americans? If your going to riot and loot after a bad loss, you destroy the bad neighborhoods so they will be rebuilt in a nicer manner.
Regardless, watching the Bruins win the Stanley Cup in Canada was kinda awesome. It's not that I love hockey (because I really don't that much especially since the NHL bent Atlanta over and took our team) that much, its more that I generally dislike Canada - and you can thank all the entitled Canadians in London for my "love" of Can-a-da.
Regardless, watching the Bruins win the Stanley Cup in Canada was kinda awesome. It's not that I love hockey (because I really don't that much especially since the NHL bent Atlanta over and took our team) that much, its more that I generally dislike Canada - and you can thank all the entitled Canadians in London for my "love" of Can-a-da.
Viva Puerto Rico
Yes, its Thursday and I'm going to bash on the anointed one. Why oh why do you spend 7 hours on a plane for a 4 hour meeting in Puerto Rico? If it were me for my job, that would make sense but why is the president doing it? Oh, because Puerto Ricans have large population centers in swing states - which might be important come 2012!
Never mind Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, the economy, jobs -- I'm just going to blame all of those issues on previous presidents / administrations and head off to PR to rally those voters and conduct a speech that might go down as one of the more miserable speeches in a while. I actually saw an intern present a report to me the other day and at least she pronounced the Spanish words correctly and she went to Georgia State - not an Ivy League school.
On the blame front, I'm honestly surprised that we haven't figured out a way to blame Jefferson, Madison and the other fore fathers for not writing a better Constitution.
I'd provide some real footage of the speech, but why when John Stewart provides some nice content and commentary. Good to see he thinks as highly of this trip as I do.
Never mind Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, the economy, jobs -- I'm just going to blame all of those issues on previous presidents / administrations and head off to PR to rally those voters and conduct a speech that might go down as one of the more miserable speeches in a while. I actually saw an intern present a report to me the other day and at least she pronounced the Spanish words correctly and she went to Georgia State - not an Ivy League school.
On the blame front, I'm honestly surprised that we haven't figured out a way to blame Jefferson, Madison and the other fore fathers for not writing a better Constitution.
I'd provide some real footage of the speech, but why when John Stewart provides some nice content and commentary. Good to see he thinks as highly of this trip as I do.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
This can't be good ...
Unless you have been living in a cave (since the Osama incident -- this comment releavant? I mean, he was supposed to be in a cave and he was in a house ... nevermind), then you would know that Rep. Weiner might have made some poor choices with his dong, Twitter and some co-eds - but not necessarily in that order.
Now, it appears ole Rep. Cockflash contacted Ginger Lee on Twitter and then asked her to lie about it. Seems normal because Ginger is a 20 something, blonde who agrees with Weiner's stance on planned parenthood and healthcare.
All seems nice until you realize that Ginger Lee was a dancer, stripper and N. Hollywood actress up and until a few years ago (sidenote -- she is from the South, I've met her and actually dated someone I know ... how about that ...). Not judging Ginger, but probably the last person I would ask someone to lie for me is someone in the adult industry - not that I'm super conservative, I generally hold that "lie for me" conversation for someone close to me. I follow her on Twitter, but then again, I'm also not an elected official sitting on a few important committees determining the future of the country. But if I was an elected official, you better believe my scandal would be a hell of a lot better than a tweet or some "sexting".
Seriously though, at what point do you look your self in the mirror and go, "wait, did I just ask someone in the porn industry to lie for me? Is that a good idea? Oh, she'll never talk ... oh look, a new follower @FBI12yrold - yeah, I ought to tweet them something nice."
Poor Ginger ... probably not what she expected when she joined Twitter. I honestly do feel bad for her more b/c I've met her and she actually was pretty nice. Despite all of this, I hope Rep. Cockflash doesn't quit because 1. Obama asked him to quit so he shouldn't on principal and 2. This is entertaining ... what's next? Will an Ohio State player show up with a tattoo of Weiner on his shoulder?
Now, it appears ole Rep. Cockflash contacted Ginger Lee on Twitter and then asked her to lie about it. Seems normal because Ginger is a 20 something, blonde who agrees with Weiner's stance on planned parenthood and healthcare.
All seems nice until you realize that Ginger Lee was a dancer, stripper and N. Hollywood actress up and until a few years ago (sidenote -- she is from the South, I've met her and actually dated someone I know ... how about that ...). Not judging Ginger, but probably the last person I would ask someone to lie for me is someone in the adult industry - not that I'm super conservative, I generally hold that "lie for me" conversation for someone close to me. I follow her on Twitter, but then again, I'm also not an elected official sitting on a few important committees determining the future of the country. But if I was an elected official, you better believe my scandal would be a hell of a lot better than a tweet or some "sexting".
Seriously though, at what point do you look your self in the mirror and go, "wait, did I just ask someone in the porn industry to lie for me? Is that a good idea? Oh, she'll never talk ... oh look, a new follower @FBI12yrold - yeah, I ought to tweet them something nice."
Poor Ginger ... probably not what she expected when she joined Twitter. I honestly do feel bad for her more b/c I've met her and she actually was pretty nice. Despite all of this, I hope Rep. Cockflash doesn't quit because 1. Obama asked him to quit so he shouldn't on principal and 2. This is entertaining ... what's next? Will an Ohio State player show up with a tattoo of Weiner on his shoulder?
To the left, to the left, to the left coast ... for a few minutes anyways
Sorry for the MIA -- I was sequestered to the left coast for a few days. For both of you that read the blog, you know that I have been heading over there a bit for work and I actually don't mind. Yes, I'm tired when I get home but such amazing food, cool people and most importantly, non 100 degree weather. Couple of takeaways from this trip:
- 48 hour trips to the left coast are not advisable unless you have a good sense of humor, a good travel companion, pain reliever and gallons of water.
- Conservation is cool and I get it ... but not to the point where you have to collect water by the drop out of the faucet -- don't love that about the left coastians.
- Conservation is cool and I get it #2 in SAT form: Smart Cars, Gum, Shoe = Roadkill, Tire, 18 Wheeler
- Incredible weather ... high of 60 degrees with a low of 50 degrees = heaven ... especially when you left Atlanta at 8 AM and it was 92. Even when we were in Silicon Valley it was a high of 80.
- Love the fact that San Francisco is a walking city -- if you walked in Atlanta, you will either pass out from a heat stroke or the natives will relieve you of your personal belonging unless you are carrying a ninja sword or wearing kevlar.
- Silicon Valley -- cool place ... not sure I would ever vacation there but I can see why people want to live there. Oh and Noah's Bagels -- almost as awesome as Goldbergs.
- Traffic in San Francisco / San Jose -- yeah, they have nothing to complain about ... it doesn't compare to the crap we sit through over here. I also enjoyed it b/c the average car was an X5 or some suped up Toyota doing 120 with flex fuel.
- Gas prices -- now why are the left coastians paying the same gas prices as we are in Atlanta? That clearly needs some explanation.
- The San Francisco Airport Delta Terminal -- finally, I found a terminal more miserable than Hartsfield. Congrats SFO! Your food option of Perry's is just sad ... two words for you: Chick Fila.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Today's badass - Sean Bean
I was pissed when they killed Sean Bean on Game of Thrones this weekend. After this story, the producers better find his twin a new role. Read the link. Playmate + booze + fight + stab wound + goes back for a drink = hero.
Story on WWTDD
Story on WWTDD
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Yippie, Yay!
What a lovely Sunday! I'm spending it in my office, 29 floors above Centinnel Park taking in the beautiful cloudless sky in a floor with no AC. Just in case you are curious, 29 floors above 100 degree heat is still hot and not much fun. So to celebrate this great day, here's an awesome picture:
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Today's ... hmph ... picture of the day
Here's a great picture of President Obama celebrating with Auburn at the White House. The caption should read: "Once on top, now headed straight to the bottom" or "Victory ... embrace it before its gone" or "Going down, faster than the Titanic" or "Laptops and responsibility ... oh f@ck it, lets just throw them out the window"
I'm looking forward to watching Auburn this season as well as Obama's reaction next month when the economy report comes out.
I'm looking forward to watching Auburn this season as well as Obama's reaction next month when the economy report comes out.
Now this is a fantastic story
Link to CNN (and its in lots of other places). I sure hope the Braves do something nice when the Rangers come to town next weekend.
A very classy move by the Texas Rangers: “We thought selecting Johnathan was the right thing to do,” Kip Flagg, the Rangers’ director of amateur scouting, said in a statement. “We would have drafted him either way, regardless of any other circumstances involving his injury or Zach’s draft status."
A very classy move by the Texas Rangers: “We thought selecting Johnathan was the right thing to do,” Kip Flagg, the Rangers’ director of amateur scouting, said in a statement. “We would have drafted him either way, regardless of any other circumstances involving his injury or Zach’s draft status."
Monday, June 6, 2011
OMG ... Blue Crush II
Forget Transformers 3, Dark Side of the Moon, the blockbuster movie of the summer will be Blue Crush II. The good news is that its on DVD / Blu-ray tomorrow. I know, I know ... I'm taking work off tomorrow too so I can stay at home and watch it over and over again. Check out the trailer -- it might be the greatest straight to DVD movie since Bring It On, Fight To the Finish.
No, D-Day is not the "day that will live in infamy" (someone actually said that this morning) and pretty sure it is not Dec. 21, 2012 (someone also said that this morning as well) - comments like these are what convinces me that they tossed the history books when they taught the current millennial generation anything. Ask these kids the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and you might see someones head explode.
Any who - if you get the chance, you should go to Normandy. I've been twice and it really is an incredible experience. To stand on Omaha Beach and stare up at the bluff, you wonder how anyone survived.
Any who - if you get the chance, you should go to Normandy. I've been twice and it really is an incredible experience. To stand on Omaha Beach and stare up at the bluff, you wonder how anyone survived.
Idiot ...
She's just too stupid to insult. Over the weekend, Sarah Palin said (in reference to Paul Revere's midnight ride) ... "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."
Oh dear lord ... this woman is about as informed on American history as Frenchie. In fact, he might know more. She should do us all a giant favor and purchase a crab boat and join the cast of Deadliest Catch. Now that, I would pay to watch.
Here's what really happened ... Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys
Oh dear lord ... this woman is about as informed on American history as Frenchie. In fact, he might know more. She should do us all a giant favor and purchase a crab boat and join the cast of Deadliest Catch. Now that, I would pay to watch.
Here's what really happened ... Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys
Sunday, June 5, 2011
D-Day ... Minus One

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!
You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.SIGNED: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Friday, June 3, 2011
The Smurfs are Anti-Semetic
Hmmm - this isn't going to go down well with the NBC Saturday morning cartoon line up ... wait, that no longer exists? Oh, then no one will care.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Memorial Day Weekend
Work has been insane so I haven't had the chance to catch everyone up on the lastest so I'll do the usual and add in some fun tidbits from the last 4 day weekend.
- Friday night -- I went to the suburbs to see a dueling piano event with the retired sorority girl and some of her friends. It was ... something. I remember the first two hours and then was drunk ... drunk b/c that is the only way you can watch dueling pianos in the suburbs. To me, watching a bunch of mid 40's drunk women isn't exactly my idea of the greatest event ever. Regardless, I was drunk therefore, I had fun.
- Saturday -- After nursing my hang over, I did nothing. That's right ... absoultely nothing.
- Sunday -- What better way to start off a beautiful day than with a six mile run. What better way to run a six mile run than on mile 4 trip, fall, bruise your ankle, wrist, leg and scrape up a large portion of your leg. Mind you, this "fall" occurred in front of four people who found it pretty funny ... I admit, it must have looked funny.
- Sunday continued -- car battery died. Seems the Jetta didn't want to play nice so I had to get VW assistance to give Wolfy a jump. My favorite part of the day -- the roadside assistance guy had a tattoo of a naked woman having sex with a giant stack of money on his left forearm. He must have played football at Ohio State.
- Monday -- After some shopping and planning a vacation with retired sorority girl (yay, vacation on a cruise. Sorry Europeans, no trip this year - I need relaxation and alcohol nearby this year), I did nothing but watch war movies and River Monsters. What better way to remember those lost and those that serve by watching: A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, Hamburger Hill and Armageddon all in the same day. I mixed in some Ancient Aliens and River Monsters as well. Oh ... and no, I have no idea why TNT shows Armageddon once a week. They trying to tell us something?
- Work - if it were called fun, then we wouldn't call it work.
- Summerfest -- that's right boys and girls, my neighborhood festival is this weekend which means, brunch, booze, sun and I have no idea what else. Should be a fun weekend!
- Also booking another vacation with Dr. Kenneth Noisewater, his fiance and the retired sorority girl to Destin right after the 4th of July. You know, I'm spending a whole lot of my vacation time at the beach ... and I hate the beach. Seriously, I enjoy sand about as much as I enjoy N. Africa, which ironically, has a lot of sand. Maybe I should rethink these beach excursions and head for pub country ... or ... I could do both? Hmm -- fingers crossed for some extra cash to appear.
- Oh and its 99 degrees today -- do you know what its like to train outside for a 10K and Half Marathon in 99 degree heat with smog? It's FA BU LO US ... just like the rapper.
- I've decided that for my birthday this September, Jed is going to buy a new car. Time to pass along the Jetta to another sorority girl and fully embrace the stigma of a Southerner by purchasing a gas guzzling SUV. Looking at the Explorer or the Acadia -- if you have thoughts, keep them to your self because I don't care. I just want a giant SUV that I can store my new assault rifle, golf clubs, random things and bottles of water when the apocalypse / alien invasion starts on Dec. 21, 2012.
Oh, your 'avin a laff gov'ner
Ok, that was lame but when I get nostalgic for Merry Ole England I either drink lots, complain, watch Guy Richie movies or enjoy some English Football. One of my favorite teams: Fulham - mainly b/c they have a number of American on their team including Clint Dempsey, who went to Furman.
Anywhoo, Fulham and their coach, a Welschman, decided to go seperate ways today. The fans, who posted their true feelings on Fulham's official Facebook page, aren't so excited and their responses are priceless. Some of my favorites (warning, the following might offend anyone who hasn't been drunk in an English pub for more than a week):
Anywhoo, Fulham and their coach, a Welschman, decided to go seperate ways today. The fans, who posted their true feelings on Fulham's official Facebook page, aren't so excited and their responses are priceless. Some of my favorites (warning, the following might offend anyone who hasn't been drunk in an English pub for more than a week):
- immy Armstrong If you read this you f*cking Welsh turncoat sheep shagging w*nker, you will NEVER be able to walk down the Fulham Rd again. I hope you, your family, your friends, & anyone associated with you suffer immeasurably. I shall curse you. Have a plane crash for us you c*nt!
- Ben Howard stup sheepshaging prick
- Steve Wilkerson Fuckoff,u no good,money grabbing, sheep shagging,leek eating,dafodill growing,time wasting,backstabbing, ambitiousless,ape looking,retard sounding,shit for brains,welsh cunt mother fucker!!!!
- Brad Van Leeuwen That cheeky fucker.
- Joakim Kristinsson Mark Hughes can go herd sheeps back in Wales....
- Chris Waller C u n t... cunt!!!!!!!
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