Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Debate #1 ... some comments

For the record, I have pneumonia so I could be delirious due to medicine and a constant cold sweat.  So here are a couple of my takeaways.

  • I spent a good portion of the debate fairly confused ... not because I don't understand the issues but more because there was a lot of wandering through topics, poor pauses and inaccurate information. 
  • Obama is not a good speaker off teleprompter -- if I stuttered that much I'd get fired. Also, he's also not good at staying on message. As a professional who has media trained many people, he's doing a lot of things wrong. His bridge messaging, which is what connects one idea to another, is not going so well. In fact, if it were a real bridge, it would be on fire.
  • Both candidates need to work on  the drama effect of the pause. If you pause too long, you should take a shot -- the candidates, not the viewers.  
  • This just in ... Romney's plan is not a $5 trillion dollar tax cut.  I wish that was repeated a few more times.  I counted 17.
  • How old is Jim Leher?  He looked like an old puppet - basically one of the angry guys in the balcony from the Muppets.
  • Pretty sure I heard Obama say insurance companies are going to jerk me off. I think he meant jerk me around, but that's not what he said (and this occurred around 10 or so).
  • Are there applications for the board that determine's people's fate?  I vision a bunch of dudes in black capes sitting next to a hang man's noose. I bet it pays well ... if anyone knows how to get on that panel, gimme a hollar. 
  • For the record, I watched the healthcare debate. There was nothing bi-partisan about it.  
  • Neither candidate can pronounce "alternatively" and I think Wolf Blitzer just call Candy Crowley "snacks" 
  • Trickle down government -- everyone should try and work trickle down into some sort of conversation this weekend. 
  • What's the deal with community colleges? What if we pushed people to go to 4 year schools? How about we challenge kids to be the best?  
  • I just created a survey of pretend things in my house and they feel that there were too many surveys polled for this debate.
  • Only one Bin Laden mention ... I was disappointed. 
  • They need a scoreboard in the middle so people can watch the time. Neither candidate is good at watching time. I mean, there's a coin toss at the beginning so why can't there be a "speech" clock. 
  • 12 million jobs ... that seems like a lot.  Are we installing the draft? 
  • The vice presidential debate will be amazing! I can't wait ...
So the debate was interesting. Curious to see the next couple and of course, the Vice Presidential debate will be the greatest thing EVER!  

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